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Something new - a new feature has been added
🐞 Bug fix - something that was broken is now fixed
🔀 Change - something functions a bit differently now

17 July 2024

⚡ Added a planner to plan grazings (ironically it took 4 years to add this)

28 June 2024

⚡ Added "Oldest grazed" paddock list sort.

🔀 When importing farm walks, we now try to automatically detect the date.

25 June 2024

⚡ Added a new report type to print farm walks (graph and table)

12 April 2024

⚡ You can now view farm walks on a map

3 April 2024

⚡ Added short grazing warnings when ending grazings less than 5mins long

This can help you quickly delete accidentally created grazings

22 March 2024

⚡ Added the ability to associate tasks with one or more paddocks.

You can also see associated tasks on the paddock page.

3 September 2023

⚡ "Feed Plans" has been added to help track feed plans.

This comes with custom total mix rations (TMRs), mob linking and day/night split.

24 August 2023

⚡ You can now assign multiple people to tasks.

22 August 2023

🔀 Only show tasks assigned to you on the farm home page. Provide an easier method of seeing just tasks assigned to you.

22 August 2023

🐞 Fixed charts breaking when scrolling too fast.

21 August 2023

🔀 Show the amount of linked records when deleting mobs, paddocks and paddock tags.

10 August 2023

🔀 Show the mob in the farm pages "Active Paddocks".

10 August 2023

🔀 Show the mob in the farm pages "Active Paddocks".

9 August 2023

🔀 Show paddock name in the edit grazing dialog.

🔀 Show mob in grazing history report.

8 August 2023

🔀 Mob colours now show on the grazing timeline!

🐞 Fixed "Update" button not working when the app needed to update.

🔀 You can now change a tag after adding it to a paddock.

7 August 2023

🔀 Users without edit access to some resources can now see details within the edit dialogs (but still not be able to edit).

⚡ Added history records for invitations.

🔀 Improved cursor support on desktop.

6 August 2023

⚡ Updated how permissions on a farm work.

While still being able to assign a user a role, you can now also be more specific with the permissions you give them.

This means you can now let someone be able to add tags but not be able to delete paddocks.

🔀 Swapped out old date inputs with easier to use date pickers.

🔀 Added "Tag Timeline" to sidebar navigation.

31 July 2023

🐞 Fix paddock re-alignment using a farm walk adding paddocks back to the queue.

30 July 2023

🔀 Mobs can now be changed in the grazing edit dialog.

8 June 2023

⚡ Added the ability to import Hawkeye Feed Wedge CSV exports as farm walks.

🔀 Updated how older farm walks are listed.

7 Feb 2023

⚡ Added the ability to record start and end pasture cover for a grazing.

Enable this feature by turning it on in your farm's settings under the "Options" section.

1 Feb 2023

⚡ Added the ability to delete a task.

26 Jan 2023

🐞 Paddocks currently grazing no longer show beside "Upcoming" on the farm home page.

15 Oct 2022

⚡ Added the ability to invite people that don't have an account yet.

You now have the option to send an invitation email to someone who doesn't have an account yet when adding them to your farm.

This invitation email will show them where to sign up and also automatically add them to your farm when they have fully signed up.

🔀 Starting a grazing is now smarter and will not always move paddocks to the top of the queue.

When starting a grazing, the paddock will be moved underneath the top group of currently grazing paddocks in the queue.

This means the newly grazed paddocks will not always move straight to the top of the queue and now considers the paddocks currently being grazed.

Paddocks that were already grazing with a different herd will not be moved.

🔀 Paddock tag history on a paddock is no longer a table on mobile.

7 Oct 2022

⚡ Added the ability to add "tasks" to a farm.

Tasks are things that need to be done, like cleaning drains or fixing that water trough you keep forgetting about.

Tasks are in a sortable list like paddocks allow you to prioritise tasks.

Tasks can be assigned to people and have due dates set.

9 Sep 2022

🔀 Correctly order paddock tags in the dropdown when adding a tag to a paddock.

9 Sep 2022

🐞 Fixed "Show More" button not working correctly when loading more grazings in a paddocks grazing history

9 Sep 2022

⚡ Added the ability to hide a paddock tag rather than deleting it so you can keep paddock tag history and not have the tag show up as an option anymore.

7 Sep 2022

⚡ Added mobs - you can now create mobs and assign a mob to a specific grazing to help keep track of which mob is where.

If you don't want to use mobs, simply having one mob will mean there is no extra effort for you.

17 Aug 2022

🐞 Fix note disappearing from paddock tag after it's applied to a paddock

14 Aug 2022

🐞 Fix iOS save to home screen always pointing at the home page.

You may need to remove the app on your home screen and re-add it to see changes.

23 Jul 2022

🐞 Fixed farm loading spinner saying you don't have access

21 Jul 2022

🔀 Made buttons at the bottom of the farm page easier to click

20 Jul 2022

🔀 Made some dialogs wider on mobile and desktop to make things easier to view and click

23 Jun 2022

⚡ Added ability to add notes on paddock tags applied to a paddock - so you can track details like fertilizer rates or why the tag was applied

🔀 Moved "View on timeline" buttons to icon beside the delete icon in grazing and paddock tag dialogs

22 Jun 2022

⚡ Added changelog